Responsible choice: less is more

In our daily lives, we have to choose amongst millions of options. What to wear? What movie to watch tonight? Which photo to post to your social media? Omelette or benedict for breakfast? Black or white? Cheap or solid?

The Industrial revolution has granted us all the gift of choice and drastically changed how we experience the world around us now. If you can not afford Chanel, you buy Zara. New materials, mechanical manufacturing, new technologies had irrevocably changed how the economies functioned, giving us the possibility to live in a world of equivalents to every taste and budget. But the reality is that what was a benefit before transformed into a nightmare. Even with little things, we are under the constant stress of making the wrong choice, which we will regret later, possibly.

We have so many choices every single day that it is becoming a pain. Even when you choose a new product in a grocery store like jam, for example, that you usually don’t buy. There are tons of variations with popping up labels created to catch your attention, promising you health and benefits you can not even imagine. You have to choose every single minute of your life.

When we started BZEN bikes, we didn’t want to put our customer through the hell of choice and multiple options. We asked the potential clients only one question, “What is important for you in an e-bike and why?”. Then it was our job to choose the best materials and best technologies to manufacture a perfect bike for you.

When you visit our website, you won’t see dozens of models with dozens of colours options and detailed configurations. We saved your time, money and energy and prepared only three models with easy to choose options of minimal accessories, drivetrain type and battery capacity according to your needs. We created BZEN to be a seamless production of minimalistic aesthetic and precise engineering.

We believe that less is more; that is why it was a deliberate choice to make classical forms of frames for BZEN bikes. Classics never fade. Your bike will always look actual, and you don’t need to renew it every year according to new design trends.

We believe in conscious choice; we want you to use your bike for years to come. “Today, many businesses produce bikes that last for two years. They are cheap. You buy it, use it for a year, and then throw it away. That is not BZEN”, says Pierre Detry, CEO of BZEN bikes. “We are using models of frames that proved their stability. For us, BZEN means being brilliant at basics, at doing simple things at perfection”.

We don’t stop at evolving. “Our investment is for permanent innovation. And it’s not only about the new shape of the bike but delivering features that are useful for our customers, – says Pierre Detry, – We continue to ask our customers what their needs are and how we can make our bikes more comfortable and light and safe”. Recently BZEN has developed a new generation battery with a capacity of 10Ah fitting inside the bike frame. It is made with the latest available technology of new cells identical to Tesla batteries and with high-performance BMS (battery management system), enhancing the riding comfort and guaranteeing a longer lifespan (cell ref. 21700).

We have sustainable and eco-responsible manufacturing, ethically produced in safe working conditions. Our bikes are built to last. The handcrafted bike frames have been thoroughly tested on stability and handling. We have chosen the best materials and components for our bikes which made our e-bikes easy to maintain. We also consider eco-responsible choices for our accessories. For example, we have an option of eco-leather handgrips and saddles.

We thought about everything in advance to give you the comfort of saving your time, energy and money by choosing from a few already tested options. Visit our website and choose a bike according to your taste and requirements.