The VELOBerlin starts again and we are part of it! On April 9th and 10th, 2022, the big bicycle festival in the heart of the German capital will present the trends and innovations in the world of bicycles at the historic Tempelhof Airport. You can test ride out all of our BZEN bikes on the large test tracks and action courses. Next to it, the festival offers a diverse programme with presentations and talks, bike shows and short, thrilling races. Furthermore, you’ll be presented delicious street food from the Berlin neighborhoods. VELOBerlin – the bike festival for everyone!
Check out the full programme here: Programme – VELOBerlin
Saturday, April 9th 2022: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 10th 2022: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Tempelhof Airport, Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlin
• Entrance “Luftseite” via Tempelhofer Feld, by bicycle or on foot.
• Entrance “Landseite”: Hangar 5: via Tempelhofer Damm 45, 12101 Berlin
More Information how to get there, can be found here: VELOBerlin Infos – VELOBerlin.
Where to find BZEN?
You can find us at Stand ‘OUT_E12’ (outdoor covered festival area) close to the test track.
For the event map, click here: Event Map Velo Berlin
For test rides, please accept during the purchase of your ticket the “liability exclusion for test rides and events” (more info via link below on tickets & registration).
Tickets & Registration
For all the information on the tickets, test ride registration and prices please click here: VELOBerlin 2022 – Tickets.